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Why children need their grandparents

On Behalf of | Aug 17, 2017 | Grandparents' Rights

During the turbulent time of divorce, young children in Indiana may be susceptible to doubts about their own self worth and the stability of familial relationships. While parents have the primary responsibility to offer comfort and support, grandparents may play a significant role as well. They may accomplish this by spending quality time with their grandchildren throughout the process, and in the years to follow.

According to Parenting, grandparents often provide a positive example of social expectations and relationships. Particularly during divorce proceedings, children often crave a stable environment in which to recuperate emotionally, and time spent with a loving grandparent may help fulfill that need. A grandparent who has maintained various positive relationships through the course of several decades may be a positive role model for the children as they seek to develop and rebuild their own relationships. Additionally, close interaction with adults other than their parents may teach children how to conduct themselves in social settings. They may also learn how to interact better with members of the extended family.

The Attached Family points out that grandparents play a particularly crucial role during emotionally stressful times, such as divorce. However, in order for their influence to be truly effective, grandparents should see the children often and maintain a relationship beyond the surface level. Some experts claim that a healthy bond between grandparents and children may even mitigate the negative effects of withdrawn or uninvolved parents. Most importantly, grandparents who are genuinely invested in the emotional well-being of their grandchildren provide protection and stability during a very trying time.


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