Some grandparents jokingly say that if they knew grandchildren were so wonderful, they would have had them first instead of children. The bond between grandchildren and their grandparents can be beautiful and mutually beneficial. Grandchildren provide a source of joy...
Grandparents’ Rights
3 important legal tips for grandparents seeking custody
Grandparents can help their children by providing child care and/or economic support. Occasionally, grandparents have to do more than the casual parts of a grandchild's life. They may need to actually seek custody of their grandchildren. When the parents of young...
What happens to grandparents’ rights after an adoption?
Every state makes its own rules when it comes to a grandparent’s rights to be involved in their grandchildren’s lives over parental objections. In Indiana, grandparents can generally only seek visitation rights in certain situations. Those are generally limited to...
Does Indiana law give grandparents the right to visitation?
As a grandparent who loves their grandchildren, you would prefer to spend as much time with them as possible. Unfortunately, when you don't see eye to eye with the parents of your grandchild, your access to them could abruptly end. Especially in situations where your...
The importance of staying connected to grandchildren
Custody conversations during divorce naturally focus on the parents. Many experts agree that it is best for the children to stay connected with both of their parents. And this is true, but it can make the grandparents feel like they’re being left out of the...
What are a parent’s rights when a grandparent wants visitation?
Indiana has laws that protect the rights of parents when they divorce or split up. There are also state laws that protect the rights of grandparents. Grandparents can request visitation rights if their child no longer has the legal authority to grant them access to...
When do grandparents have visitation rights in Indiana?
Grandparents are often a part of their grandchildren’s lives, and there may be times when they play a heavy role in caring for them. Most grandparents want to see their grandchildren, even if their children and spouses get divorced. In some cases, grandparents may...
Grandparents can win visitation rights
Parents receiving sole visitation rights is a generally understood outcome in divorce cases. Many people overlook the potential rights of extended family members, though. If a family court deems it beneficial for the children that their grandparents have visitation...
Grandparents may have visitation rights
A lot of grandparents will tell parents all too gleefully that it is way more fun to be a grandparent than a parent. They get to pack children with sweets and take them on fun trips while putting less into discipline and all the drags of parenthood. But there are...
Can Indiana grandparents apply for visitation rights?
Families used to be a lot closer, with many generations of a clan living on place among the more common residences in early America. Although family homes are generally smaller in scope now, the law still recognizes the closeness of family between more than one...