If you have a child and were not married to his or her mother, then you should consider establishing paternity. Legally making a claim of being the father of a child in Indiana affords you specific rights to the child and also gives the child specific rights. Without...
Month: September 2018
Does divorce threaten your small business’s future?
Divorce is rarely simple or convenient, but for small business owners the process may wreak havoc on their professional lives as well. Small businesses usually qualify as property that a couple must divide during divorce, which may make it difficult or impossible to...
Custody dispute continues to prove costly
Many in Indianapolis may often ask how is it that divorce cases can become so expensive. This question no doubt arises from the assumption that when a couple chooses to divorce, they often want to everything needed to end their associations with each other. Yet...
Can I get financial help for parenting my grandchild?
There are many scenarios in which grandparents in Indiana become primary caregivers or “parents” of their grandchildren. Parental health problems, addiction, abuse and myriad other issues may prompt either an official or unofficial removal of children from parental...
How has fatherhood changed in recent decades?
If you are a dad in Indiana who is facing an impending divorce, you are likely worried about your children and how much time you will be able to have with them once you are divorced. During this process, it will be important for you to hold tight to the knowledge that...
The importance of dads in kids’ lives
Despite changes in societal thinking, many men getting divorced in Indiana may still today feel it can be hard to ensure they are treated equally compared to their wives when it comes to securing time with their children. A divorce naturally reduces the amount of time...