When most people talk about fighting over child custody, they are referring to the custody battle parents encounter as they go through a divorce process. However, custody concerns can arise well before divorce, or between parents who never marry.Often, parents who...
Month: August 2019
Is divorce bad for my long-term health?
For many people in Indiana who make the choice to leave a marriage, there may be an initial feeling of relief that they no longer have to endure the stress of living in an unhappy relationship. However, that feeling can quickly be overtaken by the stress of managing a...
Where will you get health insurance after your divorce?
It often is not until after you choose to divorce from your spouse in Indianapolis that you realize how much you actually may have relied on them during your marriage. One area that many often overlook when planning their post-divorce lives is where they will get...
Back to school and coparenting
If your kids are like most, they may be sad to know that the summer break from school is ending. However, if you are like most parents in Indiana, you likely realize that your kids are probably ready for a return to some more structured days. There can be advantages...
How would Indiana SB 106 change current law for grandparents?
Indiana SB 106 was introduced in January 2019 and it is still pending. If approved, the bill would mean some big changes for grandparent and great grandparent visitation rights. Indiana’s current statute allows grandparents to seek visitation in very limited...