If you are a divorced dad in Indiana, the approaching holiday season may be one of your least favorite of the year. Even as society begins to change its views, fathers can still end up feeling like they get the short end of the stick when it comes to spending time with their children. This is never good, lest of all during treasured family events and traditions.
Whether this is your first holiday season after your divorce or not, Psychology Today suggests that you take a step back and adopt a proactive plan that gets you involved as much as possible with your kids at this time of year. This will involve communicating directly with your former spouse. Approaching this conversation as you would one with a co-worker might help to keep emotions at bay. Ask to make a plan for when the kids will be with each of you and identify special things that the kids can do with each of you.
Once you have done this, then you can work with your extended family to plan activities that your kids can be involved in with them as well. When it comes to gifts, remember that the gift of your time and love is always the best.
If you would like to learn more about navigating the holidays as a divorced father and making sure you are an active part of your kids’ celebrations, please feel free to visit the dad’s parenting time page of our Indiana family law and divorce website.