Any kind of family problem can take a toll on Indiana residents, but divorce tends to unleash its own set of challenges. Those who find it difficult to determine child custody plans can easily feel discouraged or overwhelmed. A current concern in regard to these plans involves fathers’ rights, as a movement has reached the spotlight in recent years. Does this movement take a progressive step forward when it comes to giving a more balanced child custody plan for parents? Many disagree on the subject, but in the meantime, countless fathers nevertheless struggle to find time with their own children.
While every social movement comes with its fair share of controversy, The New York Times comments on the ways the fathers’ rights movement has not met expectations. The Times even accuses the movement for being misogynistic, calling out members for dismissing victims of domestic violence. Some fathers’ rights activists claim that women perpetuate just as much violence against partners as their male counterparts, to which The Times heavily criticizes.
As for the fathers’ rights movement as a whole, there is clearly a divide in opinion. The Washington Post also speculates on the movement that has attempted to protest the ways courts handle child custody. More specifically, The Post shares that activists believe the courts consider the mother to be the only real parent. The article also sheds light on a study that showed that, while the majority agreed that joint custody was ideal, an equally large number of participants felt that courts generally favored mothers. Although the movement has come with mixed responses, it seems that one aspect is certain: a societal shift in the attitudes toward gender roles and traditional dynamics has resulted in the fairer treatment between men and women when making child custody arrangements.